Friday Afternoon at the Phoenix Fire:


Episode One 

Cast members of Journey to Mapu: Syrah Khan and Kaelan Bain.

Listen now: Exploring Journey to Mapu with Syrah and Kaelan

by Host, Mo Hatch

Exploring Journey to Mapu with Syrah & Kaelan 

For the first ever episodes of the Phoenix Fire podcast, third-year, self-directed student Mo Hatch interviews fellow students Syrah and Kaelan about their experiences performing in the staged reading of Journey to Mapu by Lina de Guevara  that took place on September 25th as part of the Department’s Staging Equality project. They discuss the importance of this production and why more shows like this need to be put on.

Staging Equality is a collaborative and creative research project that explores ways in which theatre engages with issues of race, diversity, and inclusion.

Recorded by Sydney Hunt at the Phoenix Theatre on Friday, October 22, 2021.
Audio editing by Sydney Hunt

Full cast of Journey to Mapu includes Kaelan Bain, Julia Brusco, Krystal Cook, Paul Cridge, David Gardiner, Ximena Garduño, Syrah Khan, Ryan Kniel, Renée Livernoche, Leonardo Maekawa, Romina Miranda, Chris Stewart, Rosa Stewart, Francisco Trujillo, Dano Underwood, and Rowan Watts.

Photos of the reading of Journey to Mapu on September 25, 2021. Photos by Miranda Hatch.