The Miracle Man

By Pan Bouyoucas

Directed by Ewan McLaren
Set Design by Jennifer Quinn
Costume Design by Natasha Sharpe
Lighting Design by Nathan Brown
Music Direction by Candace Collin
Sound Design by Tim Johnston

Can a song in your heart actually make you grow?

At 4’4 “, Lionel was the world’s tiniest tenor. At the age of 18, he leaves his mother and his small Quebec parish to join a travelling sideshow and eventually finds fame as “The Miracle Man” in 1920’s Hollywood. On his mission to spread his message, he grows and grows as he takes on the love and hope of millions.

Advisory: Some coarse language.

Presented by

Show Dates

February 14 – 23, 2008
Previews: February 12 & 13 at 8 pm ($5 after 5 pm)
Evening performances: February 14, 15, 16, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23 at 8 pm
Matinees: February 23 at 2 pm

Pre-Show lecture: February 15 at 7 pm (Free to public)
MFA candidate and director, Ewan McLaren speaks about the process of developing a new play from script to premiere performance.

Box Office opens on February 7 for tickets to these performances. 721-8000

Seating Plan: Chief Dan George

Cast & Creative

Directed by Ewan McLaren
Set Design by Jennifer Quinn
Costume Design by Natasha Sharpe
Lighting Design by Nathan Brown
Music Direction by Candace Collin
Sound Design by Tim Johnston


Nicole Fraissinet (Maggie)
Jason Moldowan (Jake, Reporter)
Sam Mullins (Sunshine)
Bryan Nothling (Father Ignace, Rosewater, Gaspar)
Shaan Rahman (Newport, Moondog)
Natasha Salway (Mother, Lionel’s Voice)
Katie Takefman (Signora Eufema)
Carey Wass (Lionel)
Kaitlin Williams (Linda Brava)
Chris Wilson (Director, Worker, Emile)
