Classroom Support

Need to bring technology to class?  We can lead workshops, assist with pre-planning electronic assignments, show you distance-education tools, provide audio and video equipment, and ensure technology works in your classroom.

Lab Bookings

Please let us know what you need

  • How many computers are needed?
    (Room 215 has 26 stations, room 236 has 12 stations)
  • What software or resources will you need? Eg: Adobe suite, Final Cut Pro, web tutorials, extra staff, etc.
  • What date & times would you like to book? And is it a repeat booking?
  • Do you need a Class_files folder & DropBox?
    (If yes, we will need to know the course session code)
    Eg: FA_346_201001_A01)

Fine Arts Building

FIA 236

FIA 215