Funding opportunities

Grantscrafting Support

At the Dean’s Office, the Research, Creative Activity, and Scholarship Coordinator ( is available to assist Fine Arts faculty members with their grant applications. Services provided include:

  • Identifying relevant grant funding opportunities
  • Communicating with faculty and graduate students about upcoming opportunities
  • Building project teams
  • Assisting with project planning and design
  • Editing and reviewing grant applications, including budgets
  • Arranging for peer review
  • Securing Dean’s signature and approval for grant applications before submission


For further information on any of these activities, please contact the Research, Creative Activity, and Scholarship coordinator:


Lytton McDonnell | 250-721-7945 | FIA 141 |

Submission Guidelines

Tri-Council Grants (SSHRC, NSERC, CIHR)

Applications for Tri-Council grants and several other major external grants are required to go through a two-stage process of internal review and approval before final submission.

Stage 1:  The Fine Arts Dean’s Office will review the application and provide feedback to augment the application’s chances of success (send to:

Stage 2:  UVic’s Office of Research Services will review and approve the application prior to final submission.

In order to allow time for thorough review and comprehensive feedback, the Fine Arts Dean’s Office will need to see a draft of the application at least two to three weeks before the external deadline. Please see “Deadlines” for more details.

Arts Council Grants

For many arts council grants (e.g. Canada Council, BC Arts Council, etc.) applications are not required to undergo the two-stage review process outlined above. However, both the Dean’s Office and Research Services are available to review applications submitted to arts councils by Fine Arts faculty members (including sessional instructors). This is an optional service, but faculty are encouraged to make use of it.

If you would like an application reviewed by the Fine Arts Research & Creative Activity Coordinator, please submit a draft of your application to fineartsrcascoordinator@uvic.caat least one week prior to the external deadline (or two weeks prior if you would also like a secondary review by Research Services).

Submission Instructions

This submission should include the following documents:

  • a complete draft of the application (as a PDF or Word document);
  • all required attachments (e.g. letters of support);
  • for SSHRC and other Tri-Council grants, a copy of the Research Application Summary Form with p.1 completed/signed by you and p. 2 signed by your chair/director (and, if relevant, the director of a participating research centre).


In order to allow time for thorough review and comprehensive feedback, please submit a complete draft of your application to the Fine Arts Research & Creative Activity Coordinator ( well in advance of the external deadline.

For a schedule of internal UVic deadlines, please consult the following links:

All other grants will be due to the Dean’s Office 1-2 weeks before the external deadline.

Please email for more details.

Fine Arts Faculty funding policy: If you would like to request funding from the Dean’s Office for your grant application, please contact the Dean ( about three months before the final deadline if possible.