The student-produced online comedic series Freshman’s Wharf has been nominated in the “Web Series” category of the 12th annual Leo Awards. Originally created as a class project in the Department of Writing, Freshman’s Wharf evolved into a for-credit directed studies course and 10 episodes were created, written, performed and shot by a mix of UVic students and faculty. Written by Rachel Warden, and mentored by film prof Maureen Bradley and digital media staffer Daniel Hogg, Freshman’s Wharf offered a light-hearted look at first-year student life at UVic.
Freshman’s Wharf is nominated alongside four other web series—Animism: The Gods Lake, Bob & Andrew, Happy Trails andThe Acting Class—and the winner will be announced at a gala awards ceremony on June 11. The Leo Awards, a project of the Motion Picture Arts and Sciences Foundation of British Columbia, celebrate excellence in artistic achievement in B.C.’s film and television industry.
You can watch the episodes by clicking here.