Hello everyone,
Please mark your agendas: We will be in the PTY recital hall for the (optional) masterclass on 8th September from 1 to 330. 🙂
Category Archives: Studio News
Annual studio tea in September 2015
Hi everyone,
We will have our annual tea on 11 September at 330 at Murchies, downtown Victoria on Government street. You can easily get there by bus: the 14, 15 and even the 7 gets there (eventually, if you want a slow and scenic route). This is our opportunity to gather and just get to know each other better before things get very busy, and also enjoy some really terrific pastries and teas. This is my treat for all of you. Please mark your calendars!
September 2015 Placement audition materials
Hello fluters! This is the information for the upcoming placement auditions to be held in early September. Sign up sheets will be posted on the ensemble board at the base of the stairs in the music building (known as ‘Maclaurin B wing’). Please note that ALL required music is free and available at the IMSLP website (http://imslp.org).
Please prepare first flute parts only to:
1. Beethoven Symphony #1 first mvt only.
2. Brahms Serenade #1 first mvt. only.
3. The entire flute solo from the “Aus Liebe will mein Heiland sterben” aria in J. S. Bach’s St. Matthew’s Passion. Please note that you do NOT need to prepare the entire work (it is a really big one)!!
See http://imslp.org/wiki/Matthäuspassion,_BWV_244_(Bach,_Johann_Sebastian)
4.Tchaikovsky Symphony #5, Third mvt only http://imslp.org/wiki/Symphony_No.5,_Op.64_(Tchaikovsky,_Pyotr)
5. Please also prepare on piccolo (overture ONLY):
All required music is available and free for download at the IMSLP website: http://imslp.org
Please note: Exact solo passages will be identified by the day of the actual audition in September. You will use your own parts (with your markings) for the audition. The committee will be behind a screen, and the audition will be held in the recital hall.
It is essential that you listen very carefully to all three works in order to understand and represent the flute parts as effectively as possible. You will want to try to convey the unique style of each work.
Strive for:
Accuracy (rhythms, dynamics, tempi and notes).
Stylistic appropriateness (again, listen to the work and strive to understand how the flute part fits into the larger fabric)
Musical expressiveness.
Looking forward to hearing all of you in September!
to UVic flutist Thomas Bauer! I just received news that Christie Reside, this years adjudicator for GVPAF (Greater Victoria Performing ARts Festival) has nominated Thomas to attend the Provincial Festival as the Woodwinds Senior competitor! The Provincial Festival is in Powell River this year from May 26th to 30th.
This designation also carries with it an ‘Outstanding Senior Performer’ award of $150.00 donated by the BC Registered Music Teachers’ Association – Victoria Branch, in memory of Elise LeGresley. Ms. Reside also selected Thomas for the Promising Flute Player Award of $50.00 donated by Bee Gilbert, and the Technicolour Ensemble received the Most Promising Ensemble Award of $100.00 – donor anonymous (to be split evenly among the four performers).
As well, Thomas has been invited to play the 4th movement of the Prokofiev Sonata at the Brass, Classical Guitar, Composition and Woodwinds Honours Concert April 30th at 7:00 pm, held in the Philip T Young Hall at UVic.
I know all of you will join me in congratulating Thomas on this wonderful achievement!
New flute music in Uvic library
Hi fluters,
Just wanted to let you know of just some of the new flute music on its way to Macpherson… you might want to include these in your summer repertoire explorations. Lots of fun stuff!
- P. Glass Arabesque In Memoriam (minimalist genre)
- Henryk GĂłrecki Valentine Piece (“)
- Jensen Sonata in f minor (classical era)
- Mozetich Sonata for flute and harp (contemporary, tonal Canadian composer based in TO)
- Christos Hatzis Arctic Dreams for flute and marimba (also coincidentally  a contemporary tonal Canadian composer)
- Sonata for two flutes by York Bowen
- Fabregas Goyescas  and Voices of the rainforest  (for flute, viola and piano and flute, cello, piano, respectively)
- Andrew Ford Female Nude for solo alto flute
- Andrew Ford Female Nude for solo alto flute in G and wooden percussionÂ
- Fukushima Shun-san (beautiful solo flute work, reminiscent of Shakuhachi sounds through extended technique)Â
- Reza Vali Song for solo flute
- Takemitsu Voice for flute soloÂ
open flute position (Prince George BC)
Interim Principal Flute
September 2015 to February 2016
Repertoire will be given by email only.
Deadline for resumes: May 11, 2015
Auditions scheduled for May 30 and 31, 2015
Position to begin September 1, 2015
No phone calls please. Email resumes to Miguel Mori, Personnel Manager, at personnel@pgso.com or via post to
The Prince George Symphony Orchestra
2880 15th Avenue
Prince George, BC V2M 1T1
Mark your calendars: 2015-2016 Studio Recital
Next year’s Studio recital has been scheduled in the PTY recital hall on Saturday 30 January 2016 at 7 pm. Lots of advance notice for any out of town family members to make travel plans…
UVic flute recital Saturday 11 April 2015
Wonderful recital given by Bailey Finley!
Works performed included selections from John Harbison Duo for flute and piano; CPE Bach Sonata in a minor; Taktakashvilli Sonata.