UVic Flute Studio Schedule 2020 Fall term
All Masterclasses held synchronously via zoom (link provided by email). Please note: Office hour 230-320 Weds (via masterclass link). All dates/time below Wednesdays 130-220 (pacific time) unless otherwise specified
9 September Welcome back! Discussion today:1. 2020-21 syllabus 2. Masterclass guest visits 3. Bach aria
collaborative recording project (first term) 4. solo recording project and CV assignment
(second term)
11 September Friday 3:30-415 Online tea party (while imagining Murchies)
16 September Guest Gloria Huh: State of Mexico
orchestra second flutist and Reverie Flutes Artist
23 September Topic: “Creative inspiration”
30 September Guest: Soile Stratkauskas, baroque flutist
and founder of Victoria Early Music
1 October First reading summary deadline (details in
2 October Friday 12:30-1:15 Live recital opportunity. Concert held in PTY. Performers may include AK JS, AQ, CG, KX. Details to follow; Required live-streaming online attendance.
7 October Topic: “Healthy Practice”
14 October Topic: “Building Technique” Please note there
will be a technical exam during lessons in week of 8-12 February 2021.
21 October Guest: David Cramer, former Associate
principal Philadelphia Orchestra
28 October Topic: “Tonal colour” Recordings will be provided
in advance for listening, and in class discussion.
4 November Guest: Regina Helcher Yost, Second Flute Charleston
Symphony Orchestra, Assistant Principal Flute/Piccolo Colorado Music Festival,
Adjunct Professor of Flute Charleston Southern University and core flutist for
Chamber Music Charleston
11 November Reading break
Please note: Bach Aria recordings now due by 31 Jan 2021, early submissions welcome!
18 November Guest: Lorna McGhee, principal flutist
Pittsburgh Symphony
25 November Topic: Developing a CV (or resume?) part 1
Tuesday 1 December Second reading summary deadline (details
in syllabus)
2 December class cancelled
IMPORTANT REMINDERS: UVIc has adopted a later start date of 11 January. 31 January (Monday) is now the new due date for Bach aria recordings. Early submissions welcome! CV project now postponed to fall 2021 and finally, 30 January (Saturday) 7 pm Studio recital live-streamed from PTY recital hall. Performers may include all students who wish and are prepared to perform.
All MC dates are Weds 130-220 unless otherwise noted.Please note: Masterclass will occasionally be divided into two cohorts this term, allowing greater individual attention and more focussed teaching. Please look for highlighted junior or senior markers; all “unmarked” classes are for all students.
Junior class: MW, YS, NM, AK, EW, RQ; Senior Class: VZ, PT, CG, JS, BM, KX, AQ
13 January MC Guest: Lois Bliss Herbine, Philadelphia based piccolo soloist and Powell artist. Piccolo performers today: JS and BM
20 January All students: **Suggested deadline for CV/resumes, please submit via email** (please note final deadline of 31 Jan) Junior masterclass technique pre-exam review today. Be prepared to perform the following:
Any major scale, in articulations of 2s2t, 2t2s, all t, all s, 3s1t, 1t3s,2s2s, DT two of each note ie., cc, dd, ee, ff etc, and regular DT (cdef etc). Also M or m arpeggios, either all t, all s.
27 January Senior masterclass technique pre-exam review. Be prepared to perform any major or minor scale (harmonic or melodic) in same (see above 20 Jan) articulations. Also M or m arpeggio, either all t, or all s and also optional (required for Performance majors and MMUS only): MSND main double-tongued solo, Peter and the Wolf opening solo, Leonore Overture solo (from ascending G+ scale, starting on low D to held high d) and Beethoven Symphony 3 solo (beginning from F octaves to ending on short trill on e to middle d)
30 January (Saturday) 7 pm Studio recital live-streamed from PTY recital hall
31 January (Sunday) Third reading summary due (see syllabus) and deadline for Bach aria projects
3 February Junior masterclass technique pre-exam review. Be ready to
perform all technique exam materials in class today.
10 February Dr. Eric Abbink, guest clinician today; talk on “Building a career in music.” Everyone please keep working on technical materials….
Week of 8 -12 February: Annual technical exam (during
lessons) of above materials.
Reading break: 15-19 February 2021
24 February Performers today: CG, BM, JS
1 March (Monday) Fourth reading summary due (see syllabus)
3 March solo recordings due (via email in Youtube links). Guest today: Brooke Ferguson (Principal flute Colorado Symphony) Performers today: KX, AQ
10 March Junior Masterclass: We will be exploring 24 Petites Melodies (a book by Marcel Moyse; if you do not already own this book please purchase it, or borrow a copy for class today) Performers today include: MW, NM, AK
17 March Senior Masterclass. Performers today: PT, VZ
24 March Junior Masterclass. Performers today: YS, EW
31 March at 4 pm (please note later time) Last masterclass of second term: Social tea at outdoor patio at Murchies, if COVID circumstances allow!?
Please note: No classes on 2 April and 5 April, stat