Lovely coherence

I am finding my way back to daily yoga practice during this pandemic, and the overlap between the practices of yoga and flute is always striking to me. We often tell ourselves we do not have enough time for daily yoga practice because we need to attend to our flute practice…but yoga can be thought of as an excellent warm-up, as actually part of the flute practice itself. I find thinking about it this way helps me take the time to do it. In case you are up for trying it out and seeing how it can benefit your playing, I encourage you to consider this short (20 min) video “A little goes a long way” on the “Yoga with Adriene” series. This session in particular really resonated with me as a musician: “the sensation is the important thing, not the pose” (aka, the process is more important than the product)…and “you can be inspired by others, sure, but it really doesn’t matter what others are doing…” Check it out:

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