UVic Flute Studio Fall term 2021-22
(Draft schedule; subject to change)
15 September 1:30 Assemble in person in PTY for information session with Kristy Farkas Concert manager; then at 1:50 meet on MC zoom link: Q/A, introductions, general feedback to audition materials, and syllabus review as time allows
22 September Guest artist: Gloria Huh Mexico State Symphony Assistant principal flutist (via zoom; link will be provided) Performers today: QZ (Telemann Fantasie in a minor), HG (TBA), AQ (Zhang Jiren’s Poem for solo flute),
29 September all students in PTY today Performers: LD (Tango etude #4 by Piazolla), CG (El Bachiano by Pineda), AQ
Thursday 30 September National Day of Reconciliation. No classes.
Friday 1 October Reading summary #1 due today
6 October Junior group class only (CM, LD, AM, DJ) meet in person in B037 and via MC link Practice technical session today. Be prepared to work on chromatic scales (be sure to always use your b flat lever in chromatic passages) and all major scales and arpeggios (two octave)
13 October all students in PTY today Performers: AM (Uebayashi Le Vent solo), LD (Piazolla Tango etude#4 and/or 5), Daisy Ji (? Prelude#2 Muczynski?) QZ (Warschauer Bati L’gani)
Saturday 16 October First term studio recital at 4 pm in PTY. Attend in person or online at https://livestream.com/somlive Performers include: AM (Uebayashi Solo), LD (Piazolla Tango etude #4), CG (Pineda), AQ (Uebayashi Suite for flute and cello), HG (Karg-Elert Appassionata), QZ (Warschauer Bati l’gani).
20 October all students meet in B037 and via MC zoom link today Performers: CM (CPE Bach Sonata in a minor (slow mvt), VZ (Kuhlau Divertissement #5), PT (Fukushima Requiem)
27 October Guest artist: Paul Hung Vancouver Academy faculty member (all students attend remotely, via MC link today). Performers: LD (TBD), HG (Tadic Four Macedonian Pieces (#1) , AQ (Isang Yun Etude for solo flute)
29 October Woodwind Friday Music concert at 12:30 in PTY (performers TBA) All flute students expected to attend (live or virtually)
3 November Senior and Grad class (VZ, PT, CG, HG, QZ, AQ) Please meet in B037 (I will teach via MC link) Practice technical session. Be prepared to work on chromatic scales in quintuplets (p. 86-87 in Kujala book), all major and minor scales and arpeggios, 2 octaves and 3 octaves if beginning on B or C.
10 November Reading break
17 November Performance in support of “Five Days of Action, 365 Days of Commitment” (all students in PTY today) Performers: AM (Le Vent…by Uebayashi), CG (El Bachiano by Pineda), LD (Tango etude #5 by Piazolla), QZ (Bati l’gani with percussion improvisation), HG (Tadic 4 Macedonian Pieces), AQ (Poem by Chang Ji Ren)
24 November Guest artist: Lisa McCarthy Flute Instructor WWU-Bellingham, WA; all students attend remotely via MC link) Performers: AM (TBD), QZ (Bach Partita, Allemande movement) and HG (Takemitsu Air)
1 December Reminder: Deadline for Reading summary #2 and
1 December all students attend remotely via MC link today. Content TBA