2020 Fall placement auditions

Hello UVic flutists! As promised, here are the excerpts for your coming placement audition. The list is concise, as I am attempting to keep things as simple as possible this year. I also understand it could be inherently more work to put together a recording than to do a live audition. Therefore the list is shorter than usual. However, I am certain this list will provide all the information we need to place everyone appropriately.

These are the three required excerpts:

  1. Mozart Concerto in G major, first mvt. exposition only. Use whichever edition you prefer. 

2. Eight measure prominent first flute solo from Beethoven Symphony 4 Adagio movement (Adagio mvt. begins on page 31 of score on IMSLP), solo begins with ascending E flat major scale, and ends on B flat. From first measure on page 40 until third measure of pg. 41 in IMSLP score, see


3. This short 8 bar piccolo solo is also required for all students, and can be found at #13 on page 13 in score, see http://petruccimusiclibrary.ca/files/imglnks/caimg/3/3a/IMSLP86004-PMLP134095-Prokofiev_-_Lieutenant_Kije_Suite.pdf

Further details will follow from the music school office regarding submission process and timeline.

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