The AHA! Seminar
Current Discoveries in Art History & Visual Studies
Tuesday, February 15, 2022. 4:30 – 5:30 p.m. (Pacific Time)
Via Zoom Webinar (link below)
- In Search of Blessing: The Veneration of the Tomb of Ghazan Khan from the Ilkhanid Period to the Present
Shanice Wolters, PhD Student, Yeates School of Graduate Studies:
- Confronting Colonial Imaginings of Tahiti: An Examination of Painted and Photographed Representations of Māhū and Raerae

Current Discoveries in Art History & Visual Studies
Tuesday, November 30, 2021 4:30 – 5:30 p.m. (Pacific Time)
- “To brighten every painful hour”: The Follet Family Sampler
Jessica Ziakin, Artist & MA Student, UVic:
- The Fool Eaten By God: Simone Weil’s Christian Anarchism in the Art of Cecil Collins

Current Discoveries in Art History & Visual Studies
- Tuesday, October 26th (2021), at 4:30 Pacific Time.
Tuesday, October 26th (2021), at 4:30 Pacific Time
Anna O’Meara, PhD Student:• On the Poverty of Student Life: A Global Illustrated Bibliography
Sarah Roberts, MA Student:
• Maya Deren and Ritual Time as Creative Medium in A Study in Choreography for Camera’

Current Discoveries in Art History & Visual Studies
- Wednesday, January 27th (2021), 9:00 – 10:00 a.m. PST
Wednesday, January 27th, 9:00 – 10:00 a.m. PST
Francoise Keating, Ph.D. Candidate:• Navigating Research Through a Wider World
Erin Campbell, Ph.D., and Holly Cecil, M.A.:
• Curator’s Tour of the Life Stories Exhibition

Recent Discoveries in Art History & Visual Studies
- Monday, November 30th, 9:00 – 10:00 a.m. PST
Connect by Zoom : Meeting ID: 929 8763 2648
Monday, November 30th
• Weaving Stories: Craft, Cloth & Consumption in India
Shruti Parthasarathy, Ph.D. Student:
• Krishen Khanna: An Artist’s View of the Partition of India

Recent Discoveries in Art History & Visual Studies
- The last Wednesday of every month (except August & holidays), 11:00 a.m. – noon, (Pacific time) via Zoom Webinar
October 28th, 2020
Maria Buhne, MA:
• At Home with Beatrix: A Contextual Study of Historic House Museums
Brian Pollick, PhD Candidate:
• Dealing With Trauma in Late-Medieval Florence: Judgement, Compassion and Redemption
Missed the seminar? View it here. (Brian Pollick’s presentation not recorded due to image copyright restrictions.)
- All welcome: AHVS Undergraduate & Graduate Students, Alumni, Faculty & Staff
- An opportunity to share:
- current research with peers (and for constructive feedback)
- reviews of recent exhibitions, films
- workshop your ‘in-development’ paper or presentations in a supportive environment
- build connections in AHVS
If you are interested in presenting: Contact Holly Cecil (AHVSGA Alumni Rep) at
September 30th, 2020
Missed the seminar? View the video:
- [0:00 – 30:57] Terry Rodgers, MA:
- ”Women Contained”: An Exploration of Gendered Architecture at the Villa Barbaro
- [30:58 – 52:11] Azar Mirzaei:
- The Impact of Railway Construction on Persian Architecture in Iran (1927 – 1941)
July 29th, 2020
Missed the seminar? View the video:
- [0:00 – 25:00] Shiva Ebrahimi, UVic AHVS MA Candidate: Takyeh Dowlat and Qajar Propaganda: A Study of 19th-Century Theatrical Art and Architecture in Iran
- [25:00 – 49:50] Barb Biggs, UVic AHVS Administrative Assistant: Education, Visual Communication, and the Art of Storytelling
- [49:50 – 1:25:00] Katie Hughes, Legacy Galleries Community Engagement Coordinator: To Fish as Formerly: A Story of Straits Salish Resurgence. Also observations on curating for the COVID era.
June 24, 2020:
Zahra Kazani: Paper Making in Samarkand
Azar Mirzaei: Persian Architecture and the Impact of Industrialization: The Case of Anarak Mines and the Town of Anarak, 1935-41
Missed the AHA! Webinar? View recording (1 hr.)
(April & May 2020 Postponed due to COVID-19)
March 4th, 2020
Professor Allan Antliff:
• Decolonizing Modernism: Robert Henri’s Portraits of the Tewa Pueblo Peoples
Brian Pollick, PhD Candidate:
• Paradise Not Quite Lost: Giotto, Purgatory, and the Arena Chapel
February 5th, 2020:
Terhi Hannula:
• Contemporary Art and Museum Architecture in Turku, Finland: Sited in a palace built in central Turku in 1928, Aboa Vetus Ars Nova is a museum combining displays of medieval archeological findings with contemporary art with vibrant and changing exhibitions.
Allan Antliff:
• Crafting for Success: The Exquisite Art of Conference Presentations
Azar Mirzaei:
• The Industrialization of Iran: The impacts of a mechanized industrial complex on the architectural features of its region in the first Pahlavi Monarch
January 8th, 2020 AHA! Seminar:
- Ashley Riddett: From Floor to Wall: The Shifting Values and Functions of Hooked Rugs in Nova Scotia (View Slides PDF)
- Naomi Shields: Playing with Garbage: The Social Impact of Playing with Public Art (View Slides PDF)
- Shiva Ebrahimi: Analyzing Fat in Joseph Beuys’ Action (View Slides PDF)
Dec. 4th, 2019 AHA! Seminar:
- Lindsay Kaisla: Modern Architecture of California and Arizona
- Brian Pollick: The Company of Ideas Forum: Sculpting New Ideas (Hornby Island, 2019)
- Zahra Kazani:Launch of AHVS graduate journal, ARTiculate Vol. 3
Nov. 6th, 2019 Inaugural Seminar:
- Terry Rodgers: Lucca Field School, Italy
- Jaiya Anka: “At the Galleries”
- The Art Gallery of Ontario (Toronto) to see Early Rubens (October 2019-January 2020), &
- The St. Louis Art Museum (during my participation in an annual conference at the Center for Medieval & Renaissance Studies, St. Louis University, June 2019)
- Holly Cecil: “Local Exhibitions”
- Current exhibition at the Legacy Downtown: “We Carry Our Ancestors: Cedar, Baskets and Our Relationships with the Land”
- Sidney Fine Art Show, Oct. 18-20