
BY-LAWS University of Victoria2016/2017

1: Official Name of Association –  AHVSGA

Art History and Visual Studies Graduate Association, University of Victoria, Canada

2: General Mandate and Mission Statement

  • Promote and foster a collegial graduate community within the Department of Art History and Visual Studies, as well as cultivating relationships amongst graduate students within the Faculty of Fine Arts.
  • Provide a forum for discussion of graduate issues and opportunities within the Department, the Faculty of Fine Arts, The Graduate Student Society, and the University of Victoria.  Provide information regarding funding, academic timelines and other opportunities for Art History graduates.
  • Promote the academic scholarship of graduate students through our annual graduate symposium Visual Impetus, our online journal ARTiculate, and other collaborative research, publishing opportunities, workshops, and monthly meetings.
  • Build the community of the department: Promote graduate studies to undergraduate students; provide mentorship and encourage graduate and undergraduate relations; develop alumni relations to nurture ongoing support for the AHVSGA; and build on academic and non-academic networking opportunities for graduate students.

3: Membership

All graduate students and postdoctoral fellows registered within the Department of Art History and Visual Studies are automatically members of AHVSGA while they are registered, and are eligible to vote in elections and to be involved with other issues as they arise.

The position of Alumni Coordinator on the Executive Board is a recent graduate (* within the last two years) of the Department of Art History and Visual Studies.

There are no fees associated with membership in the AHVSGA.

4: By-laws and Rules of the Association

This current set of By-Laws shall, upon approval by the Board, remain in effect until such time as amended or added to. Any new By-Laws shall be circulated to the Membership and if there are any objections the Board shall review the concerns and if appropriate, a vote shall be held amongst the Membership.

5: Board Composition and Election of the Annual Board 

The following eight Board positions shall be elected for a one-year term by the end of September each year: Co-Chair: PhD; Co-Chair: MA; ARTbeat Newsletter Editorial Team (3); Social Media / Communications Coordinator; Special Events Coordinator; University of Victoria Graduate Student Society (GSS) Representative. Any member may run for any of these elected positions provided they are intending to be registered full-time for at least the Fall and Spring Terms.

The following Board positions are made by appointment by the current Board for a term of one year to begin with Board elections in September, except the position of the ARTiculate Editor-in-Chief, a term based on the publication of an issue.

  • ARTiculate Editor
  • Visual Impetus (VI) Coordinator (shall normally be nominated by the current VI Steering Committee and ratified by the Board)
  • Alumni Coordinator
  • MA First Year Representative (appointed by first year MA Graduate Cohort)

In the event of any Executive Board becoming vacant during the course of the academic year, the Board shall determine the best way to fill the vacancy.

6: AHVSGA Meetings

A meeting of the AHVSGA Board will be held once a month, except during the summer semester, or as required, and will be open to all Association members. During this meeting reports will be presented by the Executive Board members and issues concerning the Association or its members shall be addressed.  Any Member may address the Board on any issue of concern to them.

At least once in each term, the Association shall organize a social or professional development event for the entire membership.

7: Signing Officers

There shall be four signing officers for the Association with the responsibility of signing legal and financial documents.  The signing officers shall be two Co-Chairs and two other Board Members.

8: Administrator

In addition to the formal positions, the Board may invite any other past or registered Graduate Student to assist the Association and attend Board Meetings.